Super Dragon Ball Hero’s Episode 12

Super dragon ball episode 12, we watched the gravity stone break by Goku Ultra instinct Daikishin. And inside the stone a great warrior’s legas, and the babies fused each other. Vageta also transform in blue beyond and break the fusion of babies and the other side Jiren the Ultimate warrior fight against the Zamasu. Zamasu recover himself very fast and show the immortal ower but the jiren seen much stronger and the other side goku badly beaten by Legas. The Supreme kai suddenly come and transport the universe seven warriors and the universe 11 warrior still fight against the evil. Once again see the Fu in his room.

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Dragon ball super heroes episode 12 we will see vageto diakihin the picture was leaked where goku and vageta fused with potara rings and turn into the vagito Ultra instinct master Daikishin.
The epidote title is other warriors help you. May be this meant with this fusion or some of the most power warrior come here from future and the other dimension and help them.
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